So this week was tape and mud week. Basically going over every screw, and every crease I could find with mud (aka spackle). The one thing I learned when I was putting up the drywall is that you will notice on the edges that they are thinner than the rest of the sheet. So that when you butt two sheets up together, you know where to place the tape and mudd that area, so that its nice and smooth afterwards. Of course you have to keep this in mind when putting up sheet rock, when you cutting edges to fit at different ends of the walls or what have ya.
Here are some pics of the work we got done this past week.
And the last picture is to show some of the mud that was sanded off before laying a second coat of mud, and to make sure we didn't miss any corners (which somehow we always do, but oh well)
Today I am planning on putting the second coat of mud and Sanding down what we have, then prime and seal the drywall. What this will do is show us our imperfections. We can then go back and spackle where we need to, then again prime those areas, then we are ready to paint.
I have decided to go with Elegant white, which is an off-white color. Then for the moldings and the three doors I will paint them pure-white. This should look nice. When I take pictures tonight, things should look alot different.
Well I still need to put up the grid for my drop ceiling, moldings, doors, electricity, and then floors i believe. Im hoping to have this all done very soon. Depends on how much time I will have, and apparently i (not by my own will) I will have some time off from work :/.
Of course I need to get this all done before my kid arrives also, because then my time will be drained completely.
As I've said man, that's just fantastic progress.